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"Disciples of St. John the Apostle"

(Disciples of Hope)

(Discipuli Spei in Latin)

“The Disciples of St. John the Apostle” or “Disciples of Hope” in latin "Discipuli Spei," is a religious community of brothers, deacons and priests who are committed to provide pastoral, spiritual and sacramental care to those who are in the peripheries of life."

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Literature and Audio Materials related to our ministry to the sick

1.) All's well that ends well

(A do-it-yourself retreat in preparation for eternal life) both in print and in audio edition (7 CDs)

2.) I am the way (Stations of the Cross for the sick) audio edition ( 1 CD)
3.) How to Prepare for Eternal Life – printed booklet
4.) Even in stillness, they too serve

(For shepherds of souls who may have to lay down their staff) printed book

5.) What to do upon reaching 60 or more

(Ideas and Reflections on life in later years) printed booklet

6.) What's your Story?

(Ideas on what to say to God when we meet Him) printed booklet

Bible verse: Mark 12:28-31

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